Tag Archives: ricotta

vanilla cheesecake with chocolate and prunes – for rainy days

Who knows how to make love stay? Tell love you are going to the Junior’s Deli on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn to pick up a cheesecake, and if love stays, it can have half. It will stay.

~Tom Robbins

… and there is something in it.


a cheesecake is good for everything.
when you celebrate a birthday, good mark in a school, a date, or without any occasion.
when you suffer from a breakup, somebody’s harmful words, bad news, or rainy day.
when you think you can’t do this, you will do it perfectly.

cheesecake is for everyone.
for the eldery, the adult, and the young.
for Everymen and mandarins.
for gourmets and poor eaters.
it is universal.

thus I think a cheesecake outclass all these sophisticated, complex, busy and famous cakes in the world.
because of its simplicity.




r e m a r k: as you’ve arguably noticed, little mistake crept in the title of this recipe.
however you can use ramekins (in a number of 12) and they will be cute and also delicious.



that is not a traditional cheesecake, which I remember from my childhood. this one is moist, gentle, not very sweet that I like and miraculously creamy inside with crispy bottom.
