Tag Archives: ginger

Kruidnoten (Kruidnoot) – the quickest and easiest gingerbreads

funny name: Kruidnoten or Kruidnoot

funny, because it derives from Dutch. no idea what it means. but I know that is the name of small ball-shaped spice cookies, which are given away by Zwarte Pietów, Black Peter during Sinterklaas – Santa Claus. 5th of December in the Netherlands and 6th in Belgium.

is this recpe the original one? I don’t know. I found it somewhere in Internet. if it’s not – I don’t bother – I don’t care. they are very similar, delicious, and, most importantly, the quickest, and the easierst gingerbreads I have ever made. they are perfect if you don’t have much time to do gingerbreads that are time-consuming.


Kruidnoten (Kruidnoot)

Kruidnoten (Kruidnoot)+recipe

Kruidnoten (Kruidnoot)



I can smell the specific scent of spice. cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, cardamon.

the warm, light kitchen. the oven on.

masculine, manful, caring hands around my waist. kisses on my neck. I felt Christmas at the time. they are definitely coming.


Kruidnoten (Kruidnoot)

Kruidnoten (Kruidnoot)

for a hungry husband – beef stew with potatoes and ginger

sad autumn this year.

what dull weather. grey every day. even after my daily walk doesn’t make be happier. sad again. my thoughts and my guitar.

now I see I have to  re-string…



… and this recipe is for my hungry husband. ta dam.






the quickest, the easiest version of a pumpkin cream soup – No. 1

humid autumn. dirty, dismal and sad leaves are lying on a wet ground. it’s raining. probably dull sky above naked trees in my garden has taken umbrage at the earth. or at me. well. it’s possible. I am chesty so I caught a cold again.

5th coffee to keep my mind awake and the quickest, the easiest version of a pumpkin cream soup.

there are plenty of recipes. and every each and one of them is way-out. but if you have just some pumpkin and ginger you will be able to do it. admittedly, I had all ingredients to do the pumpkin soup, full of all these ingredients I missed this time. however, that soup is delicious and I can strongly recommend you this one.